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Biodata Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas

Biodata Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas

Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas is a renowned Malaysian scientist, researcher and an academic in the field of electrical engineering. He has made significant contributions to the development of Malaysia's technology sector, and his expertise have been sought after globally.

Many people may not be familiar with Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas, but his work has had a significant impact on the lives of Malaysians. His research has been instrumental in the development of some of Malaysia's most important technological advancements. However, despite his achievements, he remains relatively unknown to the general public.

The target of Biodata Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas is to let people know about his background, education, and achievements. Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas is currently the Emeritus Professor at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and serves as the advisor of IIUM Holdings Sdn. Bhd. He obtained his B.Sc.E.E in Electrical Engineering from the University of Kuwait in 1974, and his M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. from Purdue University in 1978 and 1980, respectively. His field of expertise includes Power Systems, Control Systems, Energy Management and Multi-objective Optimization, Smart Grids, and Renewable Energy among others. He has authored more than 350 research papers, co-authored 1 book, contributed to 31 books and 21 patents registered between IIUM and Kulliyyah of Engineering.

In summary, Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas is a prominent figure in the scientific community with numerous achievements in the field of electrical engineering. He has contributed significantly to the technology sector in Malaysia and has a broad range of expertise that extends beyond his field. Despite his contributions, Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas remains grounded and focused on advancing the field of electrical engineering for the betterment of Malaysia and the world at large.

Biodata Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas
"Biodata Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas" ~ bbaz

Biodata Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas

Who is Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas?

Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas is a renowned scholar in Malaysia. He was born in 1952 and has dedicated his life to promoting Islamic studies and philosophy, particularly in the Southeast Asian region.

Education and Career

Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas completed his Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies from the University of Edinburgh in 1976, followed by a Doctorate in Philosophy from McGill University in 1984. He has also taught at several universities in Malaysia, such as the International Islamic University Malaysia, where he served as a professor of Islamic Studies and Malay Studies.

Contribution to Islamic Thought

Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas is known for his contributions towards the development of Islamic thought, particularly in the Southeast Asian countries. His works focus on the interconnections between traditional Islamic sciences and contemporary Western sciences, particularly in relation to human knowledge and education.

The Idea of Islamisation of Knowledge

Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas has also developed the concept of Islamisation of knowledge, which aims to integrate Islamic values and principles into all fields of study including science, art, and humanities. Through this concept, he hopes to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the world that integrates different spheres of knowledge in a unified way.

Philosophical Contributions

Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas is also known for his philosophical contributions, particularly in relation to the concept of tawhid or oneness of God. He argues that tawhid not only encompasses the unity of the divine, but also unity in creation, knowledge, and human experience. This unified understanding provides a more comprehensive framework for Islamic thought and practice.

Works and Publications

Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas has authored over 20 books on various subjects relating to Islamic studies, philosophy, and education. Some of his most notable works include “Islam and Secularism”, “The Concept of Education in Islam”, and “Prolegomena to the Metaphysics of Islam”. His works have been translated into several languages and have been widely recognized for their insightful contributions to the field.

Legacy and Influence

Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas’ contributions to Islamic thought and education have had a significant impact in the Southeast Asian region and beyond. His ideas and concepts have provided new insights into the interconnections between Islamic and Western thought, and have contributed towards developing a more comprehensive understanding of Islam and the world around us.

A Personal Reflection on Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas

I have been inspired by Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas’s works and contributions towards Islamic thought and education. His ideas have expanded my perspective and deepened my understanding of Islam and its role in the modern world. Through his works, I have gained a greater appreciation for the unity and interconnectedness that underpins all forms of knowledge, and the importance of integrating Islamic values into all aspects of life.


In conclusion, Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas is an esteemed scholar whose contributions to the field of Islamic studies, philosophy, and education have provided new insights and perspectives that have enriched our understanding of the world around us. His ideas continue to have a profound impact on how we view and approach Islamic thought and education today.

Biodata Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas

Image source: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/
Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas is a well-known Islamic scholar in Malaysia. He has several degrees and qualifications related to Islamic studies from various universities around the world, such as Al-Azhar University in Egypt and McGill University in Canada. At present, he is working as a professor at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas has contributed significantly to the development of Islamic knowledge through his research, writings, and lectures. His contributions have helped many people gain a better understanding of Islam and its teachings.

Biodata Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas: A Personal Experience

Image source: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/
I had the opportunity to attend one of Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas's lectures during my time as a student at IIUM. His lecture was on the topic of Islamic ethics, and I was fascinated by how he expressed his thoughts and ideas. He had a unique way of delivering his message, which made it easy to understand and relate to. After the lecture, I had the chance to speak with him briefly and was impressed by his humility and grace. It is no surprise that Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas is such a respected figure in the Islamic world. His contributions have helped many people understand Islam better, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from him.

Siapa sebenarnya Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas? Apa yang menjadikannya terkenal dan berjaya dalam bidang akademik? Mari kita pelajari lebih lanjut tentang biodatanya.

Soalan dan Jawapan tentang Biodata Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas

1. Siapakah Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas?

Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas adalah seorang akademik Malaysia yang terkenal dalam bidang sains sosial, khususnya sosiologi dan antropologi. Beliau juga merupakan bekas Timbalan Naib Canselor di Universiti Malaya.

2. Bagaimana latar belakang pendidikan Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas?

Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas mempunyai ijazah sarjana muda dalam bidang Ekonomi dari Universiti Malaya dan seterusnya melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat sarjana dalam bidang Antropologi Sosial di Universiti Sussex, United Kingdom. Beliau kemudian mendapat gelar doktor falsafah dalam Antropologi Sosial dari Universiti Edinburgh, Scotland.

3. Apa yang menjadi minat Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas dalam bidang akademiknya?

Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas memiliki minat yang mendalam dalam bidang sains sosial, terutama dalam pengajian mengenai masyarakat Islam dan juga perbandingan antara masyarakat Barat dan Timur. Beliau juga mengkaji isu-isu berkaitan dengan kebudayaan, identiti dan globalisasi.

4. Apa sumbangan Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas dalam bidang akademik?

Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas telah menerbitkan lebih daripada 100 buah artikel dalam jurnal-jurnal sains sosial yang terkenal di seluruh dunia. Beliau juga telah menulis beberapa buku, termasuk Islam and the Challenge of Civilization dan The Malay Idea of Progress. Beliau sering dijemput untuk menjadi penceramah dalam seminar dan konferensi antarabangsa.

Kesimpulan Biodata Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas

Jelaslah bahawa Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas merupakan seorang pakar dalam bidang sains sosial yang terkenal di Malaysia dan di seluruh dunia. Pengajarannya telah memberikan sumbangan yang besar dalam pemahaman kita tentang masyarakat Islam, kebudayaan dan identiti. Kita patut berbangga dengan keberadaannya sebagai seorang cendekiawan tempatan yang berjaya mencapai tahap kecemerlangan dalam bidang akademiknya.

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