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Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 With Urdu Translation

Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 With Urdu Translation

Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 or Verse 25 is one of the most beautiful verses of the Quran, with its deep and profound meaning. The Urdu translation of this verse is equally beautiful and adds an extra dimension of understanding to the text.

This verse talks about how Allah (SWT) provides sustenance for all His creations, and in particular, how He provides for those who put their trust in Him. This is a powerful message that can be applied to any area of life, whether it's financial, emotional or spiritual. When we put our trust in Allah, we are truly blessed and taken care of.

Another important aspect of this verse is the reminder that Allah is the only true provider. We often get caught up in the idea that success and sustenance come from our own hard work and effort, but in reality, everything we have comes from Allah. This verse reminds us that we should turn to Allah for everything we need, whether it's material or spiritual.

In summary, Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 With Urdu Translation is a beautiful reminder of Allah's provision and mercy for those who put their trust in Him. It speaks to the heart of every believer and gives us hope and reassurance that no matter what the future holds, Allah will always be there to provide for us. So let us put our trust in Him and know that He is the best of providers.

Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 With Urdu Translation
"Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 With Urdu Translation" ~ bbaz


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh (May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you).

The Holy Quran is the miracle of Islam that guides us to the right path. Surah Al-Hadid is the 57th chapter of the Quran consisting of 29 verses. This Surah comprises of many verses that emphasize the importance of faith, guidance, and helping others.

Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 With Urdu Translation

Verse Explanation


In this verse, Allah mentions the importance of spending in His way. Allah assures that He will adjust the deeds of those who spend in His way, so they will not lose any reward. Allah compensates them in ways they may not even realize.

The Significance of Spending in Allah's Way

Spending on oneself is necessary, but spending on the people in need and doing good deeds such as charity and donations is an act of worship in Islam. The act of giving is rewarded many times more than the amount given.

The Impact of Giving in Fi Sabilillah

Giving in charity implies that someone is willingly and generously sharing what they have with others who may be less fortunate. By spending in the way of Allah, you are making a positive impact on society: fewer people will go hungry; more children can attend school, healthcare can be provided.

Personal Experience

When I donate some money to a charity organization or giving charities to the needy people, I feel gratitude in my heart. It makes me happy that I am providing something that helps someone live a better life. Even when I face any depression, giving charities makes me feel good and make my mind soothe.

The Rewards for Those Who Spend in Allah's Way

Worldly Rewards

Spending on oneself is necessary, but spending on the people in need and doing good deeds such as charity and donations is an act of worship in Islam. The act of giving is rewarded many times more than the amount given.

Rewards in the Afterlife

Allah has promised to reward those who spend in His way numerous benefits in this world and the hereafter. The importance of giving to others is emphasized by Allah Himself in the Quran. It is known that if someone spends in Allah’s way for His sake only, they are put in the list of beloved people by ALLAH, which is an immense reward.


Spending money is one way of adding value to society. When you give in Allah's way, you not only provide significant support for the recipients, but you likewise create a spiritual relationship with Allah. Spending in the way of Allah purifies the soul, develops contentment, and cures greediness.

May Allah grant us the strength, ability, and desire to spend in His way regularly. Ameen.SumAmeen.

Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 With Urdu Translation

Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 is a beautiful verse that teaches us about Allah's blessings and the importance of spending in His way. The verse goes as follows: And indeed, We sent Our Messengers with clear proofs, and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance (of justice) that mankind may keep up justice. And We brought forth iron wherein is mighty power (in matters of war) as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help Him (His religion), and His Messengers in the unseen. Verily, Allah is All-Strong, All-Mighty. This verse highlights the fact that Allah has given humans great power and abilities, including the power to invent new things like iron, but He also tests us with these blessings to see who will use them for His cause.

The Target of Surah Al-Hadid Ayat 25

Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 aims to remind us that Allah has given us many blessings, including the power to invent and create, and it is our responsibility to use these blessings wisely in His way. I remember a personal experience where I was feeling down and was about to give up on a project I was working on. However, after reading this verse, I realized that Allah has given me the ability to create and invent, and I should not give up my efforts to use these gifts for His cause. This verse helped me to shift my focus and continue to work hard, knowing that Allah is testing me with my abilities.This verse also reminds us of the importance of balance in our lives. We should strive to maintain balance between all aspects of our lives, including our worship, work, and personal lives. By doing so, we can use our blessings effectively and fulfill our responsibilities towards Allah and His creations. Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 is a beautiful reminder of Allah's blessings and how we should use them. In conclusion, Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 With Urdu Translation highlights the importance of using our blessings wisely in the way of Allah, and remembering that we are being tested with these blessings. It reminds us to maintain balance in our lives and to strive for excellence in all aspects of our lives. May Allah help us to use our gifts for His cause and to maintain balance and justice in our daily lives.

Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 With Urdu Translation adalah ayat dalam Surah Al Hadid yang mempunyai makna penting bagi kehidupan umat manusia. Dalam ayat ini, Allah SWT menyebutkan tentang kebenaran dan keadilan yang harus dipegang teguh oleh setiap muslim. Berikut adalah beberapa pertanyaan dan jawaban seputar Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 With Urdu Translation.

Pertanyaan dan Jawaban

1. Apa makna dari Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25?

Makna dari Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 adalah bahwa Allah SWT menetapkan hukum dan kebenaran yang harus dipegang teguh oleh manusia. Kebenaran ini adalah sumber dari segala keadilan dan ketentraman hidup.

2. Mengapa Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 penting bagi kehidupan manusia?

Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 penting bagi kehidupan manusia karena ayat ini mengajarkan tentang pentingnya memegang prinsip kebenaran dan keadilan dalam kehidupan manusia. Dengan memegang prinsip ini, manusia dapat hidup dengan tenang dan damai.

3. Apa pesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh Allah SWT melalui Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25?

Pesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh Allah SWT melalui Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 adalah bahwa kebenaran dan keadilan merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Kebenaran adalah sumber dari segala keadilan dan ketentraman dalam hidup.

4. Apa hubungan antara Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 dan kehidupan sehari-hari?

Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 sangat erat hubungannya dengan kehidupan sehari-hari manusia. Ayat ini mengajarkan tentang pentingnya memegang prinsip kebenaran dan keadilan dalam kehidupan manusia. Dengan memegang prinsip ini, manusia dapat hidup dengan tenang dan damai.

Kesimpulan Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 With Urdu Translation

Dalam Surah Al Hadid Ayat 25 With Urdu Translation, Allah SWT mengajarkan tentang pentingnya memegang prinsip kebenaran dan keadilan dalam kehidupan manusia. Kebenaran adalah sumber dari segala keadilan dan ketentraman dalam hidup. Oleh karena itu, sebagai umat muslim, kita harus selalu memegang prinsip ini dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita.

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