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Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90

Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90

Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90 is a verse from the Quran that discusses the issue of intoxication and gambling. It is an important verse as it sheds light on the Islamic perspective on these two practices. In this blog post, we will discuss the meaning of Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90, its purpose, and some other important aspects related to it.

The consumption of alcohol and the act of gambling have been considered immoral and unlawful in Islam. Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90 lays emphasis on the prohibition of these practices and states that they are instruments of Satan to cause division and hatred between people.The ayat highlights the negative consequences of intoxication and gambling on individuals and society as a whole. These practices can lead to financial ruin, family breakdowns, and even violence. Allah has forbidden all actions that can lead to self-destruction, and intoxication and gambling are one such major pitfalls that need to be avoided at all costs.Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90 gives a clear message to all Muslims to stay away from these vices and protect themselves from the devil's influence. The ultimate goal of this verse is to create a peaceful and harmonious society where individuals thrive without resorting to harmful practices.In summary, Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90 clearly outlines the illegality and immorality of intoxication and gambling in Islam. It reminds us that these practices have disastrous effects on both the individual and society. We must stay vigilant and mindful of the temptations that arise in our daily lives and strictly adhere to Allah's teachings. Let us strive to build a righteous and virtuous society by avoiding all means of self-destruction.
Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90
"Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90" ~ bbaz


Surah Al Maidah is the fifth chapter in the Holy Quran. It consists of 120 verses and speaks about various topics including the rules of Islamic law, the importance of faith, and stories about Prophet Moses and Jesus. In Ayat 90, Allah addresses the prohibition of gambling and drinking alcohol.

What is Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90 All About?

In Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90, Allah commands Muslims to avoid alcohol and gambling because they are abhorrent acts of Satan. The verse reads, O you who believe! Intoxicants, gambling, idolatry, and divination are an abomination of Satan's handiwork. So shun them all together, that you may prosper.

The Prohibition of Alcohol

Islam prohibits the consumption of alcohol, as it can lead to sins and harm one's health. Drinking alcoholic beverages is against the principles of Islam, as it can cloud a person's judgement, make them lose control over their actions and thoughts, and damage relationships with loved ones.

Alcohol has a negative effect on a person's spiritual well-being, as well as physical and mental health. One should not drink alcohol to cope with stress or other emotional problems, as it can lead to addiction and a downward spiral into depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

The Prohibition of Gambling

Gambling is also prohibited in Islam, as it can lead to a loss of wealth, disputes, and broken relationships. It does not provide any benefits and can cause people to become distracted from important matters such as family responsibilities and career aspirations.

Islam promotes productivity and encourages people to invest in their education, businesses, and community service instead of wasting time and money on futile activities like gambling.

The Impact of Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90 on the Muslim Community

Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90 reminds Muslims to avoid harmful activities that can lead them away from the path of righteousness. It teaches them the importance of leading a healthy and productive lifestyle, which can positively impact their personal and professional lives, as well as their relationships with others.

In addition, avoiding alcohol and gambling is a way of promoting social justice and economic stability in the Muslim community. By refraining from these acts, Muslims can reduce the negative effects of alcoholism and gambling addiction on individuals, families, and society as a whole. This can lead to a more prosperous and harmonious society.

My Personal Experience

As a Muslim, I have always been taught about the prohibition of alcohol and gambling. I have seen first-hand the devastation that these habits can cause to individuals and families. My uncle was an alcoholic, and it had a negative impact on his life, his marriage, and his relationship with his children.

I have also known people who have lost everything due to gambling addiction. In both cases, these people were unable to fulfill their responsibilities and live meaningful lives. They were slaves to their addictions, and it caused them and their loved ones a great deal of pain and suffering.


Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90 is a reminder to Muslims about the importance of avoiding the consumption of alcohol and participating in gambling activities. It is a way of promoting a healthier lifestyle, both physically and mentally, and contributing to the betterment of society.


Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90

Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90: Understanding the Concept of Intoxication in Islam with Related Keywords

Intoxication is a state of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and Muslims are forbidden from indulging in such activity. The Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90 of the Holy Quran outlines the prohibition of intoxicants and gambling for the believers. Islam preaches sobriety as it affects one's physical and spiritual health. Substance abuse leads to addiction, health problems, and the deterioration of social relationships. As Muslims, we must avoid all types of substances that may impair our judgment or alter our state of mind.

Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90: Personal Reflection and Connection with Islam

Growing up, I used to see people around me indulge in alcohol and party culture, and I couldn't comprehend why they would engage in such activity. It was only when I delved deeper into Islamic teachings that I understood the concept of intoxication and its prohibition. Allah (SWT) wants us to lead a life free from addiction, sorrow, and bad influences. Alcohol and drugs alter our perception of reality, making us susceptible to commit sins and make poor decisions. In Islam, we must strive to maintain a clear mind and heart by abstaining from anything that may affect it negatively. This also includes gambling and any other activity that diverts our attention from spiritual growth.As Muslims, we must adhere to the rules set by Allah(SWT) and abstain from intoxicants and gambling. Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90 reiterates this message and emphasizes the importance of leading a pure and healthy life. May Allah(SWT) guide us on the right path and keep us strong in our faith.

Adakah anda ingin tahu tentang Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90? Mari kita lihat beberapa soalan dan jawapan berkaitan dengan topik ini.

Soalan 1: Apa yang dimaksudkan dengan Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90?

Jawapan: Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90 adalah ayat dalam Quran yang membincangkan tentang larangan memakan daging babi, haiwan yang terbunuh tanpa disembelih dan apa-apa yang disembelih untuk selain Allah.

Soalan 2: Mengapa Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90 penting?

Jawapan: Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90 memberikan panduan tentang makanan yang halal dan haram. Ini sangat penting bagi umat Islam untuk mengambil perhatian ketika memilih makanan.

Soalan 3: Apa hukumnya jika seseorang memakan makanan yang haram?

Jawapan: Memakan makanan yang haram adalah sebuah dosa dalam agama Islam. Seseorang akan bertanggungjawab terhadap perbuatan tersebut di hadapan Allah SWT pada hari kiamat.

Soalan 4: Adakah ada pengecualian untuk hukum makanan haram dalam Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90?

Jawapan: Ya, ada pengecualian untuk situasi di mana seseorang dipaksa untuk memakan makanan yang haram apabila tidak ada pilihan lain. Dalam kes ini, seseorang tidak akan dikenakan hukuman.

Kesimpulan Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90

Dalam Surah Al Maidah Ayat 90, Allah SWT memberikan panduan tentang makanan yang halal dan haram. Ia penting bagi umat Islam untuk memahami hukum-hukum ini supaya dapat menjaga kesihatan fizikal dan rohani. Jadi, pastikan anda memilih makanan yang halal dan menjauhkan diri daripada apa-apa yang haram.

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